Murrieta Family Law Firm Temecula Divorce Attorney
Experience, Expertise, Excellence

What Is Included in a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan, also known as a custody and visitation agreement, outlines how parents will share the rights and responsibilities of raising their children. It is required in all cases involving the timesharing of a minor child. It is important to ensure you are aware of all the information that is covered in a parenting plan as this formal agreement determines how you and your co-parent will raise your child.

What a Parenting Plan Covers

A parenting plan will detail how the parents will be responsible for the everyday tasks associated with the upbringing of a child. It will also provide, at a minimum, the following information:

  • Time-sharing schedule arrangements (how much time the child will spend with each parent)
  • Healthcare (who will be responsible for it)
  • School-related activities, including the school-boundary determination
  • How the parents will communicate with the child

This document will also include how the parents will communicate with one another and how each one will communicate with the child.

You and your co-parent can also include any other additional details you would like to add for your child’s benefit. It is important to use intentional language as to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation. If any of the following areas of your life are important to you and your co-parent, you may want to include them in your parenting plan:

  • Religion
  • Healthcare
  • Diet/nutrition
  • Education
  • Culture

You can also include how time sharing will work on important dates such as birthdays, holidays, and school events.

Consult with an Experienced Family Law Attorney at Our Firm

Parenting plans are a critical part to every child custody case as it will affect how your child is raised and what kind of life he/she will have. Therefore, it is important to spend an adequate amount of time and consideration drafting your parenting plan. An experienced family law attorney from our firm can help you with this step. We will make sure your child’s best interests are kept in mind and that he/she is protected moving forward.

Contact us online or call us at (951) 779-1610 to set up an initial consultation with an experienced family law attorney at our firm.
