Murrieta Family Law Firm Temecula Divorce Attorney
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Blog Posts in Spousal Support

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  • When Can Spousal Support Be Modified in California?
    When Can Spousal Support Be Modified in California?

    Legal Criteria for Modification In California, either party can request a modification of spousal support if there is a material change in circumstances since the original order was made. This ...

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  • The Four Major Decisions in a Divorce, Part 2: Spousal Support
    The Four Major Decisions in a Divorce, Part 2: Spousal Support

    In all divorces, there are certain decisions you must make. If there are children involved, you have two additional concerns you must address. In this series of articles, we will explore each of these ...

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  • Do I Pay Too Much In Spousal Support?
    Do I Pay Too Much In Spousal Support?

    When a couple gets a divorce, the higher-earning spouse may be asked to pay the lesser-earning spouse alimony, or spousal support. Even though spousal support payments are designed to make each ...

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